Resource Library

Our helpful, downloadable Resources
in one easy-to-bookmark place.

Tips for Better Quality Photos

Photos are an important piece of marketing. They attract attention, help tell your story, and leave a lasting impression. Having quality photos to work with is a necessity. Read our expert tips and tricks on how to select and take photos that look great in print, enhance your brand’s message, and won’t break your budget.

Brand Consistency and How to Achieve It

Consistent branding creates consistent customers. Without brand consistency your organization risks confusing people about what you do, or failing to make a strong enough impression for them to remember you. Whether you're a professional who dreams of having your whole team on the same page, or you've had some marketing tasks added to your job description – this guide is for you!

The Anatomy of a Print-Ready PDF

Sending correctly set-up files is critical to ensuring your printed materials turn out as you expect them to. Learn how to optimize your PDFs for professional printing to get the best results on all your projects!

Nonprofits: Designing Impactful Appeals (without Photography)

Good design engages donors and draws them into your story. But getting high-quality, authentic photos to represent your organization can be a challenge. Learn adaptable design strategies for creating visually impactful layouts that enhance your messaging – without photography.

Direct Mail for Non-Profits; Understanding Data, Postage, & the USPS

Direct mail is a big part of fundraising and often leads multi-channel campaigns. This guide covers the basics of mailing for nonprofits, including important USPS terminology and requirements, how to "clean" your mail list, and a few handy Excel shortcuts to help you format it correctly for personalization.

Nonprofits: How to be More Effective with Personalization & Variable Data

Variable Data printing allows you to personalize materials with elements like a person's name or city, a relevant photo, or other details you've collected about them. Studies have shown that personalized pieces perform better and are seen more favorably by most people. Learn best practices for organizing your donor info and get inspired with creative personalization ideas!

About QR codes

QR codes aren’t new but they've been everywhere in recent years, gaining popularity as an effective touch-free technology. Learn about what modern QR codes can do, how to create them for yourself, and how to use them effectively.

Tips for Creating Print-Ready Files with Canva©

Canva© is a great tool for DIY-designers and creating quick-need materials, like flyers. When you use Canva© to create files for print, there are a few key things you can do to ensure your final pieces turn out as you envision them. Use this guide to get started!

How to Get Colors to Print Correctly

Gain control over color consistency on all of your materials by learning about color in print. This guide goes over common color mistakes and how to correct them to avoid costly misprints and help ensure your chosen colors print as-expected, every time.

How to Mail Things Professionally

Discover the basics of Bulk Mail (aka: business mail, marketing mail, or commercial mail) so you can successfully promote your business, save time and money doing it, and start using the USPS's resources to your full advantage. Bulk mail doesn't have to be complicated – start by reading this guide!